This policy deals with selection of all Oxford Pony Club teams. The purpose of this policy is:
To be eligible for any team competition, riders must:
Registration of Interest - Nomination of Combination (Rider/Horse)
Informing the riders
Missing Selection
Those that miss out on selection, but have qualified under the rules of the competition will be encouraged and supported to obtain a position to ride for another team should they choose.
Team selection will be based on the results and scores at eventing competitions from the past 12 months - both NZPCA and ESNZ events. Results from dressage only, show jumping only, and dressage and jumping competitions will also be taken into account.
In addition anyone applying for selection for a Springston Trophy team must have completed events during the June, July or early August period of the year of the competition, to confirm current form. The Selection Committee will identify up to six events, the results of at least 3 must be included in the results submission.
Selection will be based on skills at competition, training sessions and trials. A games trial can be run and timed. Performance as part of a team (rather than just as an individual) will also be taken into account.
Team selection will be based on results and scores at competitions. Dressage only competitions take precedence however the dressage phase of a combined training or eventing competition should be included. All results from the last 12 months at these competitions will be taken into account.
Show Jumping
Team selection will be based on results and scores at competitions. Show jumping only competitions take precedence, however the show jumping phase of a combined training or eventing competition should be included. All results from the last 12 months at these competitions will be taken into account.
Dressage and Jumping
Team selection will be based on results and scores at competitions. Results from dressage only, show jumping only, combined training, dressage and jumping, and dressage and show jumping sections of eventing competitions should be included. All results from the last 12 months at these competitions will be taken into account.
For all selections
Riders need to keep account of all competitions they attend with their results, and comments. This should be done via a record card. This record card should be copied and made available to the selectors by the date specified for selection. The onus is on the rider to ensure their record card is complete, accurate and presented on time. Other pertinent information should also be presented. The selectors will notify members via email, newsletter and/or at rallies of the closing dates for applications for team events.
"The committee understands and acknowledges that there may be occasions when, due to unforeseen circumstances, personal illness or horse injury/illness, a rider is unable to submit all of their results or fulfill the required criteria for selection consideration. In the event of such circumstances the rider or their guardian must contact the Section Committee as soon as possible requesting that the Branch committee and/or selection committee take into consideration these circumstances when analysing results and making final team selections. The Branch Committee and/or Selection committee has right to consider such a request and any adjustments or amendments are solely at the discretion of the Branch committee and/or Selection Committee."
Additional Training:
Many teams’ events may require additional training, practices and/or meetings. Every effort will be made by the coach to find suitable times for these.
Putting your name forward for selection is agreement to do your best to attend and participate in ALL of these.
There may be times where there is additional cost for training. The member will pay for this cost.
Failure to attend may result in your withdrawal from this team and/or future teams at the selectors discretion.
Parent or Adult Code of Conduct
Rider Code of Conduct
Role of the Coach
The coach;
Must be granted internally first, and the Selection Committee will then (if successful) seek dispensation through appropriate NZPCA channels. Anyone who thinks they may require dispensation must notify the Selection Sub Committee as soon as they provide their expression of interest. Parents or Riders contacting NZPCA directly (including Christchurch Pony Club or Canterbury Area), without going through the process outlined in this document risks being stood down from selection.
This policy deals with selection of all Oxford Pony Club teams. The purpose of this policy is:
- To ensure all riders and mounts are capable of the task for which they are being selected,
- To ensure that teams are selected in an open and fair process.
- To select the strongest first team, and then further teams for experience and participation of members.
- To ensure any issues raised during the process are managed in a fair, courteous and transparent process.
To be eligible for any team competition, riders must:
- Be financial members of the branch at the time of selection.
- The rider or nominated family members, have actively participated at least four working bees in the 12 months prior to the event.
- Comply with the Pony Club rules of
- Attending the required rallies as per competition rules
- Upholding NZPCA Code of Conduct at all times during rallies and when representing Oxford.
Registration of Interest - Nomination of Combination (Rider/Horse)
- Members having more than one horse/pony should nominate which horse/pony they are trying out for selection with, and may nominate more than one horse/pony, as long as they have enough rallies on each mount. Each combination will be selected per the Selection Policy above.
- Riders need to state what levels/heights they are riding. The selectors will take the levels capable of being ridden into account and the Head Coach will decide what level is appropriate for the team and competitor to ride at.
- If a rider’s horse/pony is lame/unsound the selectors must be notified immediately.
- The selectors will select the next most qualified reserve.
- This decision will be made by the selectors in accordance with the selection policy.
- Oxford branch may endeavor to create a composite team made up of riders from other branches /clubs/ area. All Oxford members will be ranked higher (in their age group or section) than any non-Oxford riders, and will always have preference over riders from another branch /club/area, irrespective of ability, provided riders have met the qualifying criteria for the event.
- The Selection Committee will be ensuring all members of the selected team are competent to compete at the level of competition required.
- The highest ranked Rider according to the criteria advised in each discipline will become a team member, with the next highest ranking rider taking the next position and so forth until all the places in the team are filled.
- Reserves may be named.
- The highest ranking of the riders will be first team, second team then reserves; teams may be adjusted if riders become unavailable.
- At times Selectors, with the permission of riders and their parent/s, may ask a rider to ride up an age group
Informing the riders
- Once the Selection Committee has reached their decision, those rider(s) missing out on selection will be the first to be informed. Once all have been contacted, the riders selected will then be informed.
- Any questions regarding selection should be made to the Selection Contact Person (not directly to the selectors).
- The Selectors decision is final, and so long as it is in accordance with this Policy, no changes will be made. It is the responsibility of the member to provide all pertinent information (results etc.) to the Selectors before the selection date.
- Every effort will be made by the Selectors to select the team and notify riders of selection four weeks in advance of the competition date (except for Springston Trophy where it is 8 weeks in advance).
Missing Selection
Those that miss out on selection, but have qualified under the rules of the competition will be encouraged and supported to obtain a position to ride for another team should they choose.
Team selection will be based on the results and scores at eventing competitions from the past 12 months - both NZPCA and ESNZ events. Results from dressage only, show jumping only, and dressage and jumping competitions will also be taken into account.
In addition anyone applying for selection for a Springston Trophy team must have completed events during the June, July or early August period of the year of the competition, to confirm current form. The Selection Committee will identify up to six events, the results of at least 3 must be included in the results submission.
Selection will be based on skills at competition, training sessions and trials. A games trial can be run and timed. Performance as part of a team (rather than just as an individual) will also be taken into account.
Team selection will be based on results and scores at competitions. Dressage only competitions take precedence however the dressage phase of a combined training or eventing competition should be included. All results from the last 12 months at these competitions will be taken into account.
Show Jumping
Team selection will be based on results and scores at competitions. Show jumping only competitions take precedence, however the show jumping phase of a combined training or eventing competition should be included. All results from the last 12 months at these competitions will be taken into account.
Dressage and Jumping
Team selection will be based on results and scores at competitions. Results from dressage only, show jumping only, combined training, dressage and jumping, and dressage and show jumping sections of eventing competitions should be included. All results from the last 12 months at these competitions will be taken into account.
For all selections
Riders need to keep account of all competitions they attend with their results, and comments. This should be done via a record card. This record card should be copied and made available to the selectors by the date specified for selection. The onus is on the rider to ensure their record card is complete, accurate and presented on time. Other pertinent information should also be presented. The selectors will notify members via email, newsletter and/or at rallies of the closing dates for applications for team events.
"The committee understands and acknowledges that there may be occasions when, due to unforeseen circumstances, personal illness or horse injury/illness, a rider is unable to submit all of their results or fulfill the required criteria for selection consideration. In the event of such circumstances the rider or their guardian must contact the Section Committee as soon as possible requesting that the Branch committee and/or selection committee take into consideration these circumstances when analysing results and making final team selections. The Branch Committee and/or Selection committee has right to consider such a request and any adjustments or amendments are solely at the discretion of the Branch committee and/or Selection Committee."
Additional Training:
Many teams’ events may require additional training, practices and/or meetings. Every effort will be made by the coach to find suitable times for these.
Putting your name forward for selection is agreement to do your best to attend and participate in ALL of these.
There may be times where there is additional cost for training. The member will pay for this cost.
Failure to attend may result in your withdrawal from this team and/or future teams at the selectors discretion.
Parent or Adult Code of Conduct
- Families should be budgeting on paying for the full costs of trialing, transportation, coaching, competition fees and any accommodation or horses or riders. Any subsidies by the Branch or fundraising is a bonus.
- Feedback on coaching should be passed back to the Team Manager and feedback on Team Management should be passed back to the Branch President.
- Any criticism of Riders, Coaches or Team Management will not be tolerated and should be reported back to the Branch President.
Rider Code of Conduct
- At all times riders must represent Oxford in a positive light and abide by NZPCA code of conduct.http://www.sportsground.co.nz/files/site/202/95/Pdf/130730162816YBDEALQZ.pdf
- Riders must show respect for teammates, coaches, managers, parents and other Oxford members, failing to do this will result in rider being stood down or excluded from the team.
- Anything that brings the Oxford Branch or NZPCA into disrepute will result in riders being stood down or excluded from the selection process or team or through any disciplinary process with an Oxford Judicial Committee.
Role of the Coach
The coach;
- should provide a written report after official team coaching sessions with reports on key points for riders included.
- on the day(s) of competition is responsible for the riders and horses. If there is no coach appointed, the Manager will assume this responsibility.
- will expect that any changes to teams, timing etc, will be reported to them by the Manager as soon as possible.
- should have a sound knowledge of Pony Club rules
- will encourage and foster a good team spirit and act as a role model for riders, management and parents.
- will escalate any issues with Riders or Management to the Selection Committee or Branch President.
Must be granted internally first, and the Selection Committee will then (if successful) seek dispensation through appropriate NZPCA channels. Anyone who thinks they may require dispensation must notify the Selection Sub Committee as soon as they provide their expression of interest. Parents or Riders contacting NZPCA directly (including Christchurch Pony Club or Canterbury Area), without going through the process outlined in this document risks being stood down from selection.